SYRIAN ARAB (Republic)

ARABA_SIRIANA_Marcello Lo Giudice, Eden blu,cm 100x100, olio, 2022
The Syrian People: A Common Destiny
Emad Kashout
Emad Kashout
Saousan Alzubi, Ismaiel Nasra, Adnan Hamideh, Omran Younis, Aksam Tallaa, Giuseppe Amadio, Marcello Lo Giudice, Lorenzo Puglisi, Hannu Palosuo, Franco Mazzucchelli

The Syrian projects appeal to the traces of one of the oldest civilizations in history to affirm the potential of art as a form of resistance against the brutality of war. The art on exhibition, created with different techniques and materials, are rich both in form and content, and shows diversity of influence as it collects the threads of a common destiny, the destiny of the Syrian population that has been suffering the consequences of fratricidal war for over a decade.



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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia