TREES_GROW_2 Rony Plesl, Installation Trees Grow from the Sky, 2022, © Rony Plesl
Trees Grow from the Sky
House of Art Ceske Budejovice

Trained by Murano master glassmakers, Rony Plesl (1965, lives and works in Prague) exhibits an installation presenting a preview of an innovative glass melting technology. Three large pure crystal trees standing in the center of the nave hint at the Franciscan thesis of the complementarity between nature and man. The trunks are authentic imprints of living trees, whose perfection is accentuated by the tactile feature of the material they are made of. Their bright and translucent surfaces invites you to look inside. The last tree at the bottom of the church is a horizontal line that intersects the landscape, its trunk of shiny emerald uranium glass is covered with a bas-relief of bodies of Jesus Christ. Essential questions concerning human existence shine through the walls of these glass monoliths.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia