Proiezione ufficiale

  • friday, 8 september 2023
Sala Laguna
di Marco Amenta
con Rose Aste, Marco Zucca, Daniele Monachella

(2023, Italy, 119')

As beautiful, wild, and magnetic as the pristine landscapes of her native Sardinia, Anna lives and breathes in time to her own land, a land that heals her wounds and nourishes her soul. Bowed but unbroken by the hardships she has endured, today Anna is a free agent, a woman who fears no more. In the remote corner of the island where she runs the small farm left by her father, time seems to stand still, and the presence of Anna, with all her erotic appeal and her courageous flouting of conventions, contains the power of a bomb ready to go off. That rugged landscape protects her right up to the day she’ll be the one protecting it – from the mechanical monsters ready to violate it. Safeguarding beauty and keeping her freedom become one in Anna’s battle cry, forcing her to make tough decisions and painful sacrifices, since self-respect and belief in one’s own convictions can’t be bought and sold.
Inspired by a true story that took place in Sardinia a few years ago, Anna by Marco Amenta is about rebelling against power: the ruthless power of capitalism poised to blindly destroy everything in its path, and amply reflected in the power of a sexist, abusive society

  • Interviews

Nevina Satta: new paths for Sardegna Film Commission

  • Interviews

In Marco Amenta's new film, a story of female resistance

  • Highlights

Premi Collaterali della 80° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia della Federazione Italiana dei Cineclub


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia