15 October 2023
la veleziana
by Davide Carbone

At the regatta organized by the Compagnia della Vela and Vento di Venezia, co-organizer, in 2022, more than 250 boats participated. It takes place on a course marked by a buoy at sea in front of the Lido’s harbor entrance and concludes with a finish line at Punta della Dogana. It involves some modern maxi yachts controlled by professional sailors and numerous boats of all types and sizes from yacht clubs in the middle and upper Adriatic. In this way, the tradition of Marina da Diporto is renewed in Venice, opening the precious spaces of the San Marco Basin to the silent and sinuous paths of sailing boats for a day. There is no other regatta in the world that can offer such a captivating setting: a finish with full sails in the immeasurable beauty of the San Marco Basin, with the Basilica and the Doge’s Palace on one side and the island of San Giorgio on the other. The Veleziana is a regatta that requires skill and knowledge of the discipline, given the mixed course between the sea and the lagoon, with changing currents and tricky winds to navigate.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia