69. International Festival of Contemporary Music
11 October 2025


25 October 2025
by Redazione VeNews

The two-year mandate of Caterina Barbieri as head of the Music sector at the Biennale begins. A musician and composer from Bologna, born in 1990 and cresident in Berlin, Barbieri was appointed in November by the Board of Directors chaired by Pietrangelo Buttafuoco. A graduate in classical guitar and electro-acoustic composition – as well as modern literature – from Bologna, she has also studied at the Royal College of Music and the Elektronmusikstudion in Stockholm. She has participated in some of the world’s most important music festivals. At the latest Biennale Arte, she collaborated with Kali Malone to create the composition accompanying Massimo Bartolini’s installation for the Italian Pavilion. From October 11 to 25, her first Biennale Musica will bring together soloists and ensembles from around the globe for concerts exploring the new directions of contemporary music. Moreover, the Biennale College Musica project is confirming to be more and more an integral part of the Festival, staging selected musicians from around the world for a programme of residency, research, and production of new works to be premiered in Venice.

Featured image: Et_Et Ensemble, Biennale Musica 2024



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia