An overview on New Year's Eve events, shows, and concerts
28 December 2023


2 January 2024
by Redazione VeNews

Venice welcomes 2024 with events, shows, and concerts. Let’s toast to the New Year together with the Merry Wives of Winsor, with Carlo & Giorgio, or with the Grand Gala du Cirque. But above all, let’s raise our glasses during the traditional Concert at La Fenice or under the fireworks that will light up the New Year’s Eve night!


One of the poshest events in the Venetian musical panorama: the New Year’s Concert at the Fenice Theatre. Conducting the resi...

The amazing skyline of Venice shines bright under the midnight moon, its shapes standing out in the night and going through all...

This year, the grand New Year’s Eve gala takes place at the Toniolo Theater in Mestre-Venice with the Grand Gala du Cirqu...


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