


The most eagerly awaited 42 kilometers for runners of all latitudes: starting on the Riviera del Brenta, in front of the magnif...

Spread across the city’s palaces, hotels, art galleries and public spaces, Venice Fashion Week – Fall Edition, now in i...

For nearly four centuries, Venice has been celebrating one of the topical events of the Serenissimo calendar, still very much f...

60th International Art Exhibition

Stranieri Ovunque/Foreigners Everywhere, this is the title of the Art Biennale 2024, presented by President Roberto Ci...

The 7th Venezia Jazz Festival Fall Edition confirms itself as one of the most interesting events of the season, with a calendar...

The fritter, queen of the Venetian Carnival

Venice Carnival in Piazza San Marco


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia