27 October 2024
by Redazione VeNews

The 42 kilometres most eagerly awaited by runners of all latitudes: starting on the Riviera del Brenta, in front of the magnificent Villa Pisani, and finishing in Venice along the Ponte della Libertà, with the coveted finish line to be reached by first running along the Giudecca Canal to Punta della Dogana and, after crossing the pontoon bridge joining the two banks of the Grand Canal, finally running the last few kilometres along the Riva degli Schiavoni, along the basin of San Marco. The Venicemarathon is a unique race in the world that every year registers a record number of professionals and simple lovers of the oldest sport in the world, with a corollary of charity initiatives and collateral events for the public.
In the year dedicated to Marco Polo (whose 700th anniversary of his death falls this year), the Venice Marathon is about to reach the highest number of participants in its history with 17,500 entrants, of which about 40% are foreigners and women. Both the 10-kilometre (7,000 entrants) and the half marathon (4,500 entrants) have been closed due to sold out, while the marathon will remain open until 24 October and there are approximately 6,000 entrants.
The race will be broadcast live in full by Rai on the Raiplay and Raisport channels. Live coverage of the race will also reach New Zealand thanks to Sky New Zeland, 33 countries in South America with ESPN and highlights of the marathon will be distributed by Eurovision in over 54 countries.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia