WHERE Luanda, Angola; Lisboa, Portugal
PEOPLE Yolana Lemos (b. Luanda, Angola, 1995); Kátia Mendes (b. Lubango, Angola, 1995); Elsimar Freitas (b. Luanda, Angola, 1993); Mamona Duca (b. Luanda, Angola, 1993); Gilson Mendes (b. Malanje, Angola, 1993)

A collective of Angolan architects and artists that came together to preserve the self-knowledge and cultural identity of their country. The word banga means to them a feeling of self-appreciation which resolves in their commitment to knowing and preserving the story of a place and of the people who live in it. Banga’s design work pushes for a sort of ‘Angola-ization’ of Angolan architecture, not only by offering practical solutions for the realization of projects, but also by developing a theoretical component which is essential for recording thoughts, realities, lifestyles, needs, and scarcities. The group’s conviction is that by looking at the past, we will be able to find inspiration for how to act more effectively in the years to come.


  • Bienal de Arquitetura de São Paulo, 2022
  • Cabana de Arte Project, 2020
  • Clínica em Luanda, Benfica, Luanda, Angola, 2020


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia