BOTHAnd Group


WHERE Dublin, Ireland
PEOPLE Jarek Adamczuk (b. Zamość, Poland, 1992); Alice Clarke (b. Summerhill, Ireland, 1992); Andrew Ó Murchú (b. Limerick, Ireland, 1991); Kate Rushe (b. Galway, Ireland, 1992)

Founded in 2019, BothAnd Group is a research and spatial design collective that works on expanding architectural practice at a time of ecological awareness. The principal motivation for their work is a desire to understand the behaviour of living beings and design environments that are conducive to equality among all forms of life. Their practice critiques modern methods of architecture and reconceptualizes spatial design beyond the purview of the built item, embracing the logic of biospherical systems.


  • Meat + Two Veg, Food narratives, research, 2021
  • I-Portunus Award Creative Europe, 2021
  • Through Thinning Landscapes, film, Galway, Ireland, 2020


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia