1930, Milan, Italy
2004, Milan, Italy

Dadamaino, nom de plume of Edoarda Maino, started her research as part of the Azimuth group. She was friends with Piero Manzoni, with whom she shared the avant-gardist, unprejudiced experimentational attitude viz. materials. Maino went on in her art journey under the sign of spatialism: in her Volumes, oval-shaped tears on canvases eliminated matter to highlight an ideal of aesthetic and conceptual purity. Starting in the Sixties with her optical-dynamic creations, she grew interested in the kinetic art and visual perception phenomena, to later develop a new conceptual phase with series Alfabeto della Mente (‘alphabet of the mind’) and Costellazioni, where minimalism and geometry trace suggestive visual discourse.


  • Dadamaino. Dare tempo allo spazio, A Arte Invernizzi, Milan, Italy, 2019
  • Dadamaino. I fatti della vita, Stiftung für Konstruktive und Konkrete Kunst, Zurich, Switzerland, 1995
  • 44th Venice Biennale, Italy, 1990
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