BORN 1981, Kaunas, Lithuania
LIVES&WORKS Vilnius, Lithuania and Amsterdam, The Netherlands

In collaboration with MARIJA OL?AUSKAITE (1989, Vilnius. Lives in Vilnius, Lithuania and New York, USA) and JULIJA STEPONAITYTE (1992, Vilnius. Lives in Vilnius, Lithuania and Amsterdam, The Netherlands). In her performances and videos Egle Budvytyte explores the relationship between body, architecture, environment, and audience. The body becomes a tool to challenge coded behaviors, suggesting that everyone’s potential lies in fantasy, which is our only means to achieve freedom. In 2020 she created the video work Songs from the Compost: Mutating Bodies, Imploding Stars, a hypnotic and poetic investigation of symbiotic life in the forest: interdependence, surrender, death, decadence, new life cycles. On that occasion she worked together with Marija Ol?auskait? and Julija Steponaityt?, who made the performers’ costumes through processes of collaboration with soil insects, composting and rotting the tissues in the ground.


  • Egle Budvytyte: Orcas and Volcanos, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland, 2018
  • Tra ciglia e pensiero, Albumarte, Rome, Italy, 2017
  • 19. Biennale di Sidney, Australia, 2014
The Bag 2022


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia