WHERE Cape Town (Republic of South Africa)
PEOPLE Gloria Pavita (b. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 1995)

Pavita observes, explores, investigates, and speaks about the invisible daily existences of those who are not granted the privilege of writing or speaking for themselves. She drafts ethnographical narrations, both drawn and written, of the rituals of domestic preparations, using the example of food in South African Congolese kitchens. Short videos describe the daily physical, psychological, material, and spatial violence of immobility, the waiting for the right to belong, and the recognition of citizenship. First-person written work telling the story of a struggle for emancipation in South Africa.


  • Acts of keeping, in Survivance, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and e-flux Architecture, New York, 2021
  • Kota - Vol.1, Graduate School of Architecture University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 2019
  • Archiving Forgetting Architecture, Graduate School of Architecture University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 2019


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia