BORN 1982, Friedberg, Germany
LIVES&WORKS Frankfurt, Germany and Brussels, Belgium

Jana Euler’s paintings, imposing, provocative and full of color, are made by modulating different painting techniques that build up an eclectic set of styles. Although Euler is a shy and elusive person, she is far from being timid when expressing herself through her paintings. Her paintings almost seem to want ‘to troll’ the visitor with images which are at the same time disturbing and familiar. Although she works mainly with the figure, her abstract forms focus on the relationship between psyche and body: eyes, orifices and phalluses are transformed into mythological totems of fluidity. Euler asks her audience to focus on the theme of identity, especially on how it is altered and shaped by cultural, social and technological influences.


  • Great White Fear, Galerie Neu, Berlin, Germany, 2019
  • The Violence of Gender, JC Contemporary, Hong Kong, 2019
  • Inside Sensibility, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA, 2013
The Bag 2022