1884, Vienna, Austria
1978, Rome, Italy

Edith von Haynau or the “brilliant Viennese lady”, as Marinetti will call her, is known in the circle of futurists under the pseudonym of Rosa Rosà. After marrying the writer Ulrico Arnaldi, Rosà joined the Florentine group that gravitated around the “Futurist Italy” and approached the futurist goal of renewing all aspects of art and life: she wrote a novel and various stories, she made a table with free words, she created paintings, pastels, watercolours, portraits, illustrations and ceramic objects. She was active as well in the new feminist movement. In her novel A Woman with Three Souls (1918) she skillfully combines Futurist principles and occult themes through a fantastic search for a new female identity.


  • Grande Esposizione Nazionale Futurista, Milan, Genova, Florence, Italy, 1919
  • Non c’è che te! Una donna con tre anime e altre novelle, publication, Facchi Editore, Milan, Italy, 1919
  • Sam Dunn è morto. Romanzo futurista, by Bruno Corra (illustrated by Rosa Rosà), Edizioni Futuriste di «Poesia», 1917
The Bag 2022


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia