1889, Davos, Switzerland
1943, Zurich, Switzerland

Eminent fluidity characterises her creative process, and allowed her ease of access to abstract art, design, and crafts. After her early career in the arts and crafts, she joined the Dada movement with her husband Jean Arp, demonstrating an impressive talent in working materials such as wood and fabrics. A central figure in the creative process that would bring about the inception of modern design, she would also show a keen interest in architecture.


  • Sophie Taeuber-Arp: Living Abstraction, MoMA, New York, USA, 2022
  • Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Tate Modern Gallery, London, UK, 2021
  • Jean Arp & Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Dada e oltre, Museo Correr, Venice, Italy, 2006
The Bag 2022

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