WHERE London, UK
PEOPLE Tanoa Sasraku (b. Plymouth, UK, 1995)

Sasraku is a young artist who won the 2021 edition of AFFA. She uses sculpture, design, and film to interpret British, Black, Ghanaian, and queer cultural histories. She also examines the composite layers of her identity as a young gay woman of mixed race who grew up in Plymouth, and the effort to compose these layers into a single identity in twenty-first-century Britain. Her art, which is made from sewn or ripped newspaper or soaked in local swamps, draws inspiration from Ghanaian war flags, tartans, stone towers, and cairns. Her pieces recall the Harlem Renaissance and its masks, and seem to point towards a new and radically Black aesthetical canon.


  • Terratypes (solo exhibition), Spike Island, Bristol, 2022
  • Arts Foundation Futures Awards, 2021
  • Whop, Cawbaby, film, 2018


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia