WHERE London, UK
PEOPLE Thandi Loewenson (b. Harare, Zimbabwe, 1989)

The Race, Space & Architecture programme is only one of the polysemic projects of Thandi Loewenson, artist, designer, and researcher who works to catalyze emancipation culture and to give voice to the ‘possible otherwise’ focusing in particular on southern African territories. Space is one of the many keys to understanding her work: at times a magnifier of inequality and racial segregation dynamics, at others (as in BREAK//LINE) a threshold to investigate to discover the materialization of capital or the borders of oppression. A practice at the intersection of design, performance, graphic art and music and video production whose goals are pluralism, collective commitment, and shared action.

Motivation: For a militant research practice that materializes spatial histories of land struggles, extraction, and liberation through the medium of graphite and speculative writing as design tools.


  • Fiction, Feeling, Frame (research collective), 2023, online
  • Race, Space & Architecture (open access curriculum), with Huda Tayob and Suzi Hall, 2020, online
  • BREAK//LINE, The Bartlett School of Architecture, London, UK, 2018

Paths in the Laboratory of the Future of the 18th Architecture Biennale

Thematic tracks in the Laboratory of the Future of the 18. Biennale Architettura


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia