BORN 1951, Boston, USA

A true forerunner, already in the mid-80s Hsu developed a series of works that addressed the implications of the accelerated use of technology and artificial intelligence and their impact on the body and the human condition. Trained as an architect at MIT, in his practice Hsu possesses a peculiar materiality, influenced by his education and the budding scene of the East Village of the time. Architectural sculptures, wall reliefs, drawings, multimedia works, installations and paintings examine what the artist calls the “embodiment of technology”. A visionary, prophetic work, which today finally meets an audience able to understand the instances investigated by the artist already over thirty years ago.


  • Zeros and Ones, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany, 2021
  • Tishan Hsu: Liquid Circuit, Hammer Museum – UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, 2020
  • A New Generation of 1980s: American Painter and Sculptors, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA, 1988
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