WHERE Zurich, Switzerland, and internationally
PEOPLE Ursula Biemann (b. Zurich, Switzerland, 1955)

The practice of artist, author, and video essayist Ursula Biemann is based around field research, often in remote places such as Greenland or the Amazon, where she studies climate change and ecologies connected to fossil fuel mining, ice melting, deforestation, and water criticalities. In her work, Biemann gives a prominent place to the voices and the rights of non-human subjects, which speak about themselves in extremely refined forms of audio/video narrative constructed through working with time, relationship, discussion and listening in accordance with a practice that can claim deep and potent political agency.


  • Forest Mind, on the Interconnection of All Life, Spector Books, 2022
  • Forest Law (video installation), São Paulo Biennial, Brazil, 2016
  • Becoming Earth (website and book)


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia