CAMPO SS. GIOVANNI E PAOLO – ECC-European Cultural Centre


GOT UMBRELLA ruota attorno alla creazione di un terreno comune che viene informato e immaginato da molte persone alla volta. Interpretando vari ruoli e indossando varie maschere, gli abitanti della città riconfigurano la condizione in cui vivono e interagiscono.

GOT UMBRELLA revolves around the creation of a common ground – a common ground, which is informed and imagined by many people at a time. By playing various roles and wearing various masks, the urban inhabitants re-configure the condition by which they live and interact. As individuals interact with one another new connections arise while others fade away. Within this context, urban inhabitants create provisional counter-configurations through which different social constellations emerge. Situated in a field of changing relations, the emergent configurations are not just a form or a product through which social interactions unfold, but a perpetual generator for emerging configurations.

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Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia