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Canada Council for the Arts


Architects Against Housing Alienation (AAHA)


A Better Tent City Waterloo Regio, Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia, Alex Wilson, University of Saskatchewan, At Home in the North; Atelier Big City; Bâtir son quartier; Black Urbanism TO; Canadian Cohousing Network; Centre d’ecologie urbaine de Montréal (CEUM); CP Planning; David T Fortin Architect Inc; FBM architecture -interior design -planning; Gentrification Tax Action; Grounded Architecture Inc.; Haeccity Studio Architecture; Idle No More; Ipek Türeli, McGill University; Katlia Lafferty, National Indigenous Housing Network; Keele Eglinton Residents; L’OEUF Architects; Lancelot Coar, University of Manitoba; LGA Architectural Partners; Luugigyoo, Patrick R. Stewart Architect, Nisga’a Nation; Navigator Street Outreach Program; One House Many Nations; Ouri Scott, Urban Arts Architecture Inc.; Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust; Sarah Silva, Hiyam Housing; SOCA (Studio of Contemporary Architecture); SOLO Architecture; SvN Architects and Planners; Sylvia McAdam, Windsor University; Table de concertation du Faubourg Saint-Laurent; Toronto Tiny Shelters; tuf lab; Xalek/Sekyu Siyam Chief Ian Campbell, Skwxwu7mesh Uxwumixw (Squamish Nation)
20 May 2023
- 26 November 2023

Canada focuses on the housing crisis faced in several of the country’s communities, though also clearly understood globally. According to the curators, this crisis reflects on society, compromising architects’ ability to design welcoming, creative, multi-functional spaces. Collective AAHA involve the public in a reflection on how issues like racism, sexism, and classism are deeply entrenched in a tainted real estate market. Architecture must provide new, long-lasting stimuli.


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia