White nights

Four short films for the White Nights by GdA and Isola Edipo
by Davide Carbone
  • wednesday, 7 september 2022

Dreamy night-time travels under the monumental art deco dome, electronic dance elevating all the way to the rooftop, parcels shipped as if on a ghost train on a conveyor belt, the restless, silent work of firefighters and security detail.
Floors teeming with visitors during the day, empty and silent at night, inspire a phantasmatic universe.
Four short movies (fiction? documentaries?) explore spaces, jobs, and the energy at the Galeries Lafayette, a French upmarket mall, through the eyes of contemporary artists who offer their poetic visions and redefine the perception of this emblematic point of interest in Paris. The four shorts – Lafayette Mansion by Mélanie Matranga, Night Train by artist duo Géraldine Py & Roberto Verde, Outbreath by Adriano Valerio and Each Eyelid is a Dome by Antoine Viviani – will be presented today at Isola Edipo.

Sala Laguna
7 September, h. 6pm

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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia