

17 September 2023
alle 19:30

The final event of the public programs organized alongside the Edmondo Bacci: Energy and Light exhibition sees the museum open its gates to the contemporary Venetian art scene and present Avvenimento #1 DETTO MONDO.
Avvenimento #1 transforms the museum into a transdisciplinary space for different media, from performance to dance, music, and installations. The title of event was inspired by Edmondo Bacci’s works titled Avvenimento. Equivalent to the English word “happening,” an avvenimento is also an unpredictable event that alters reality by redefining the limits of possibility. The subtitle DETTO MONDO (“KNOWN AS MONDO”) is an homage to Bacci, who was affectionately referred to as Mondo by those close to him.
The word Mondo (“world”) also encapsulates the broad spectrum of performative events taking place during the evening, conceived by a new generation of artists who will take over the museum and experience it as a place for free expression.
As in the past, when local artists such as Bacci found in Palazzo Venier dei Leoni a place to develop their poetics and carry out their research, today the museum fulfills Peggy Guggenheim’s desire to create “a research laboratory for new ideas . . . serving the future instead of recording the past.”
Live performances by: Barena Bianca + Sugar Koka, Francesco Corsi, Ginevra Dolcemare, Jacopo Giacomoni, Gli Impresari + Nicola Di Croce, Francesca Heart, Marco-Augusto Basso e Denise Tosato, Cosimo Ferrigolo.

Museum admission is free on the occasion of the event, registration required.


Featured image: Francesca Heart, Le atmosfere


Chiara Bertola brings Bacci back to the Guggenheim Collection


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia