Coro Voci dal Mondo

In search for Simurg. Cultures and music returning from the Balkan route

Festival Luigi Nono
27 November 2022
alle 18:00

Emergency participates again this year in the Luigi Nono Festival hosting In search of Simurg. Cultures and music returning from the Balkan route, an itinerant sound action directed by Giuseppina Casarin with the choir Voci dal Mondo, Canto Spontaneo, Le cicale, Voci di Fonte, Storiestorte and Roberta Pestalozza. The songs, the music, the instruments, the journey of the choir speak of peace, of welcome, of different cultures and traditions that enrich us all. In search of Simurg is a musical and humanitarian project by the Voci dal Mondo choir, made up of Italians, migrants and resident foreigners: a real caravan of music which, starting from the Veneto region and after numerous stops, arrived in Bosnia, enriching itself along the way of new voices and new instruments.
The Voci dal Mondo Choir will tell through music the experience lived in the long journey that led him to meet and get to know migrants who are experiencing a real humanitarian emergency on their journey to Europe. This meeting took place through the sharing of everyone’s songs: Music became a vector of positive and equal relationships between people of different cultures, traditions, religions, ages and life stories. On the sidelines of the initiative, at the Emergency headquarters on Giudecca, it will also be possible to visit the photographic exhibition by Monika Bulaj All’ombra del baobab. EMERGENCY e la bellezza della cura.