This, by Armando Bozzola, is not an exhibition. It is a staging, a performance, a show, and the show coincides with Armando’s life, it tells the truth about his being, which is always a show.
An eighty-five-year-old self-taught painter, Bozzola comes from a difficult social background. He started working at the age of eleven, to later develop a visceral passion for beauty, colour, nature, and his city, Venice. And then for music, in particular for Frank Sinatra, with whom he feels a consonance on the threshold of identification. During the 1980s and 1990s, Luigi Ferrigno exhibited alongside well-established artists, often earning their respect. Miro Romagna repeatedly expressed his appreciation for Ferrigno’s work. Edmondo Bacci said that “I so cocai dovaria svolar in tuto el mondo” (his seagulls should fly all over the world), acknowledging the international appeal and recognition that Ferrigno’s art deserved.