28 April 2023


29 October 2023

Carla Accardi’s language made of signs and chromatic juxtapositions has intercepted in a continuous process of experimentation all the artistic, social and political ferments – with Carla Lonzi and Elvira Banotti in 1970 she was among the founders of Rivolta Feminile (“Women’s Revolt”) in the second half of the twentieth century, arriving at the new millennium with the same expressive force. «A painting has to tell you what it wants to tell you in a very short time and it has to do it through a sensation. This sensation, in my opinion, is linked to the idea of ​​a pleasure for the eye» (Carla Accardi). Despite having lived in Rome, she has established a constant and special bond with Venice throughout her life. Her work was selected in several Venice Biennials: she made her debut in 1948, returning in 1964, 1976, 1988, 1993, to then be protagonist again in 2022, in Cecilia Alemani’s The Milk of Dreams Biennale. For this bond with the city of Venice, one hundred years after her birth the Correr Museum pays homage to her art with an installation that welcomes a small but significant selection of rarely exhibited works, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia