Cronorama in 10 Years
7 February 2024


7 April 2024

60,557 tiles, over 500 hours on the hide, over 16,000 portrays – these are the figures of project Rivus Altus – Cronorama in 10 Years by architect and photographer Massimiliano Farina, an attempt to exhaust all possible depictions of the most famous Venetian vista: the Rialto Bridge and its incessant coming and going of people. Farina got his inspiration from an essay by Georges Perec, An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris, a collection of different perspectives on Paris. Fondaco dei Tedeschi will host a special installation of Rivus Altus on 78 screens creating a time-laps of images sourced from the over 10,000 pictures taken in Rialto over months. The installation also includes six jumbo black-and-white prints of people portrayed in their admiration of Venetian architecture.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia