

The research for new, up-and-coming artists that chose glass as the ideal avenue to express their art is what keeps Murano solidly in the modern art circuit, thanks to Adriano Berengo, his Foundation, and his glass furnace. In late January, exhibition Shattering Beauty, curated by Sandrine Welte and Chiara Squarcina and produced in cooperation with Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and Berengo Studio, will open at the Murano Glass Museum. Swiss artist Simon Berger (b. 1976) created the art live, during the opening days, surrounded by his glass cube and the surprise of invitees. In that moment, all we took for granted about glass art shattered before our eyes. Berger pushed glass to its limits – its breaking limits. The rhythm of his mallet shattering glass sheets turned it into the depiction of a human face. To see the artist shape his creation in successive hammer strokes is devastating: destruction becomes an act of extreme beauty. Berger’s approach to glass finds the greatest strength in fragility. In his hands, the mallet is no longer a tool of destruction as much as it is an amplifier of a given effect. The closer and shorter the blows, the stronger the contrast and gradients. The artist draws spiderweb-like traces that trap and guide light. His transparent canvas will be called home by fascinating glass portraits. Simon Berger’s portraits/sculptures create a one-of-a-kind art installation.



Intervista a Pietro C. Marani, De’ Visi Mostruosi e Caricature | Aspettando Carpaccio | CHRONORAMA | Lee Miller – Man Ray | Adriano Pedrosa, Biennale Arte 2024 | Inge Morath | Intervista a Nikos Aliagas, Regards Vénitiens | Graziano Arici | Venezia. Alter mundus | Aquae Naturografie | Grandi installazioni di Venini | Simon Berger | Aqua e fogo – L’eau et le feu | Donazione Gemma De Angelis Testa | Corrado Balest | Galleries | Preview Mostre | Premio W | Preview Biennale Architettura 2023 | Preview Biennale Arte 2024 | Monuments Men | Intervista a Vanessa Carlon, Palazzo Maffei Casa Museo


Set Up! | Fabio Accardi | Chris Potter Quartet | Cristina Donà | Enrico Morello | Ron | Ana Carla Maza 4tet | Dropkick Murphys | Mariza | Candiani Groove | Compositrici! | Auditorium Lo Squero | Ernani | Il matrimonio segreto | Il barbiere di Siviglia | Stagione Sinfonica Teatro La Fenice | Jonathan Darlington | Il boemo | Quartetto Fauves | Musikàmera | Andrea Griminelli


La dolce ala della giovinezza | Leoni Biennale Teatro 2023 | Testimone d’accusa | Venire a Venezia | Azul | Perfetti sconosciuti | Mine vaganti | Cyrano de Bergerac | youTHeater | Miracoli metropolitani | Paradiso XXXIII | Maria Stuarda | Baydère | Amici fragili | Comici


Premi Oscar la Mostra | Babylon reviews | Carta Bianca | Ca’ Foscari Short | Biennale College Cinema | George Cukor | Liliana Cavani | Supervisioni | Cortinametraggio | Veneto Green Movie | Classici Fuori Mostra | Ecovisioni di Marco Gisotti | 73. Berlinale


CARNIVAL DIARY: Intervista a Massimo Checchetto, Direttore artistico Carnevale 2023 | Spettacoli, concerti, balli, party, appuntamenti con la tradizione | Intervista a Stefano Nicolao, Atelier Nicolao | Intervista a Marina Renato


Venice Simplon-Orient-Express | Bauer all’asta | Malvasia, un diario mediterraneo | Ca’ di Dio | Koenji Bacaro e Osteria | Basara Sushi Pasticceria | Osteria al Giorgione Da Masa


Agende | Mostre a Venezia | Screenings

SET UP 2023
For two nights, the site-specific event occupies the halls of Punta della Dogana with performances, dance, music and DJ-set to give life to the extraordinary spaces of the museum.
Carnival City
A Carnival that is all around you, from Piazza San Marco to the Arsenale, to the metaverse. The party keeps up with the times, but its essence lives on: don a mask, a be what you can only dream of!
Our dear mother Earth
Adele Re Rebaudengo, Chair of the Venice Garden Foundation shared with us her enthusiastic dreams for a place as special as the In Venetia Hortus Redemptoris – an oasis of peace, open to the world under the care of Franciscan friars.
Wings of Youth
Waiting for the renovation works at the Teatro Goldoni, the Malibran Theater from 23 to 26 February will host the play Sweet Bird of Youth, a play by Tennessee Williams, translated into Italian (Le ali della giovinezza) by Masolino d'Amico, on the theme of Youth and of human decline.


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia