

Giacomo Casanova’s 300 years are the thread to discover the city through a myriad of events starting from the Carnival. See our special Guide to eighteenth-century Venice. Here, to start, we present a portrait of the great Seducer written by Alberto Fiorin.

«Sorcerer, thief, spy, forger, traitor, swindler, slanderer, atheist, cheat, con man, spy, fraudster, kabbalist, blasphemer, alchemist. In short: the vilest of men. That’s what has been said and written about me. Ladies and gentlemen – ladies, especially – please pay no mind to these baseless accusations. Believe none of these lies. They have been spread by mean persons who either don’t know me or merely want to take revenge after I treated them like they certainly deserved. And yet, in some sense, these vicious, obscene, false, vile names do me honour. Yes, they honour Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, a.k.a. Knight of Seingalt, the worthy son of my mother, Zanetta La Buranella, and of my father, Gaetano Giuseppe Giacomo Casanova […]».

Full article by Alberto Fiorin >>>

Image: Francesco Giuseppe Casanova, Portrait of Giacomo Casanova
Museo di Storia dello Stato, Mosca – Courtesy Carnevale di Venezia 2025



:arte The Eighteenth Century of Casanova | A Cabinet of Wonders | Cevdet Erek | Gulnur Mukazhanova | Roberto Matta | Marina Apollonio | Loris Cecchini | Scuola Piccola Zattere | Giorgio Andreotta Calò | Joseph Kosuth | Murano Illumina il Mondo – Intervista a Kimiko Yoshida | Barovier&Toso ARTE | Ulysses | Edoardo Tresoldi | Gail Lord | Galleries | Not Only Venice

:architettura The Venice of Casanova | 19. Biennale Architettura preview | Rehab – Intervista Ila Bêka e Louise Lemoine | Donazione Carlo e Giovanni Moretti | Doppia V | Spazi Restituiti – Tobia Scarpa | Gabriele Basilico


:musica Playlist for a Seducer | Candiani Groove | Jim O’Rourke | Jazz& | Mauro Repetto | Bissuola Live | Jethro Tull | Nothing But Thieves

:classical Casanova and Mozart | Rigoletto | Il barbiere di Siviglia | Musikàmera | Teatro Toniolo | Olivetti e la musica


Casanova, Goldoni and Mansonry | Preview: Biennale Dance and Theatre Lions 2025 | I Parenti terribili | Gente di facili costumi | Un’ultima cosa | Da naso a naso | Franciscus | Teatrino Zero | Il caso Jekyll


I mille volti di Casanova | September 5 – Intervista a Tim Fehlbaum | Jim Jarmusch | Attrici da Oscar | Classici Fuori Mostra | Noi e loro – Intervista a Delphine e Muriel Coulin | David Lynch | Queer | I Leoni di Venezia | Oscar 2025 | Supervisioni: Wild Roses – Registe in Europa | Cinefacts: 75. Berlinale


:carnivaldiary Carnevale day by day | Piazza San Marco | Arsenale Water Show | Casanova Trecento | La moglie saggia | Buffoni all’inferno | Sior Todero Brontolon | El Pessecàn | Charlie Chaplin incontra Carmen | Il Ballo del Doge | Venetian Reflection | Ballo Tiepolo | Palazzina Grassi | Heureka Carnival Ball | Arsenale Carnival Experience | Perplex | Carnival @ Forte Marghera | Hard Rock Cafe | The Venice Venice Hotel | 16. Carnevale Internazionale dei Ragazzi della Biennale di Venezia


L’arte del friggere


Agenda eventi / Screenings / Mostre a Venezia


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di Venezia


Ogni settimana

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di Venezia