
Uri Caine's jazz at the Squero di San Giorgio
di Davide Carbone

On June 10th in San Giorgio a concert that is much more than a concert, an encounter with a musician who is much more than a musician.

London /Accra
Tropical Modernism, the V&A project at the Architecture Biennale 2023
Bacci, Edmondo (1913-1978): Incident 13 R, 1953. Tempera on canvas, 32 34 x 56 14' (83.1 x 142.9 cm). Purchase. Acc. no.: 253.1956 New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) *** Permission for usage must be provided in writing from Scala.
Chiara Bertola brings Bacci back to the Guggenheim Collection


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia