Never again

Holocaust Remembrance Day's commemorative events in Venice
by Redazione VeNews

The eleventh ceremony for the installation of the new 26 Stumbling Stones (Stolpersteine), which opened the Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024 between Mestre and Venice, is followed by numerous other commemorative events in a rich calendar. These include conferences, exhibitions, screenings, performances, book presentations, and moments of discussion, all aimed at remembering the victims of the Holocaust, the effects of racial laws, and all those who risked their lives to protect persecuted and deported Jews.

The city’s Remembrance Day ceremony is held at the Teatro La Fenice, where speeches are scheduled by the mayor of Venice,...

21 January 2024
alle 11:00


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia