
Interview with Claire Fontaine, the collective of "Foreigners Everywhere"
di F.D.S., Mariachiara Marzari

The current situation of political, managerial, and social void is the one in which Claire Fontaine navigates with her lucid and tragic analysis. From “Foreigners Everywhere,” a series of neon works created by the collective and reinterpreted in various forms, curator Adriano Pedrosa derived the title for his Biennale.

Interview with Gob Squad, Silver Lion of Biennale Teatro 2024
Everybody is a foreigner in Pedrosa's global-south Biennale
Swatch in Venice with VERDY, Swatch Faces and the special watch BIENNALE60th
Interview with Nil Yalter, awarded with the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia