BORN 1962, Mombasa, Kenya
LIVES&WORKS Cologne, Germany

Belonging to the post-Kippenberger generation, Cosima von Bonin is today one of the most prolific and influential artists in Germany and borrows from her forerunner the strategies of hyperproductivity, rupture, transgression and irony towards the conventions of art, combining them with those of the ideological struggles in the 70s, feminism in the first place. Provocative, irreverent, drastically pop, von Bonin works with wool and fibres, wood, film, music and recycled objects, creating works, sculptures, installations and performances that effectively and humorously address issues related to the sphere of social relations, identities, processes of appropriation.


  • WHAT IF IT BARKS? featuring AUTHORITY PURÉE, Petzel Gallery, New York, USA, 2018
  • The Fatigue Empire, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria, 2010
  • Documenta XII, Kassel, Germany, 2007
The Bag 2022


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia