

In the Basilica, the Visions of Helena Tulve
21 September 2022
alle 21:00

Born in Tartu, Estonia, in 1972, Helena Tulve is an interesting voice in the world of modern music. Her compositions – mostly chamber music pieces – show influences from a wide range of sources, including French spectral music, Gregorian chant, IRCAM-produced experimentalism, and Eastern Asian music. Her elaborate, rational music is exquisitely expressive and emotionally taut, all while expressing the richness and diversity of the author’s interests.

Tulve has been invited to participate in the Music Biennale with Visions, a composition that follows in Arvo Pärt’s footsteps in the field of liturgical vocal music and that will turn the interior of St. Mark’s Basilica into a living, complex musical instrument. “In this world of violence and hostility, I feel the need to honour and give space to the dimension of the imaginalis, a space for the soul.” C.S.

Ph. Marco Giugliarelli


Director Lucia Ronchetti introduces us to the upcoming Biennale Musica


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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia