

Venice as a model for the future?
23 June 2023
alle 19:30

Wading Breath is a performative sound walk on Isola La Certosa, Venice. Reflecting on the fragility of the salt marsh, its inhabitants and stored memory, it connects our own breathing, diaphragm and voice to unheard acoustics beneath the surface. By listening to recorded sounds of photosynthesis, fish songs, crabs and undefined signals from the lagoon, you are invited to engage with underwater life and reflect on the connections between much larger paradoxes present in similar vulnerable lowlands around the world.

Wading Breath seeks for wading, walking or standing in shallow water without shoes or socks; and to breathe with, the act of taking air into the lungs and sending it out; to form acoustic kin with underwater creatures and approaching organic matter through sound.

Rahel Kraft’s performance Wading Breath was conceived during a research residency offered by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia at Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi in April 2022. During these residencies, cultural practitioners from Switzerland have the opportunity to foster meaningful and long-term relations with the communities of Venice through artistic practice.

Meeting point:
Ocean Space at 7:30pm or imbarcadero Certosa at 8:30pm.
Scheduled return with vaporetto 5.1 at 9:43pm.

During the walk, we may enter the water and get our feet wet, so we recommend bringing a towel or suitable footwear. We also recommend using mosquito repellent.


Simone Fattal, Petrit Halilaj & Álvaro Urbano


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia