7c- foto dello spettacolo Brief Interviews with Hideous Men  © Sabina Boesch(1)
The scandalous Wallace by Yana Ross
di Chiara Sciascia

“Verbal violence and live sex. Audience are free to leave the theatre at any moment.” This notice appears before the staging of Lithuanian-American director Yana Ross’ show, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men – 22 Types of Loneliness, adapted from David Foster-Wallace’s cult novel of the same title.

Another breath
Between poetry and dj-set the after party of the Biennale Teatro at the Arsenale
Deep red
ricci / forte present the 50th Biennale Teatro to the cry of "Rot"!
50th Theater Festival of La Biennale di Venezia
Shock therapy
Samira Elagoz receives the Silver Lion for innovation at the 50th Biennale Teatro
The game of the mirror
La Biennale Teatro awards the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement to Christiane Jatahy
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