• friday, 9 september 2022

Free Jafar!

About Jafar Panahi – those who saw his film say it is his best in the last several years, the most accomplished and aesthetically impressive. This is Panahi’s fourth film produced while underground. By the way, this shows clearly the hypocrisy of the Iranian regime, who prevent Panahi to travel outside of Iran while knowing that he is actively making films and travelling more or less freely within the country. These films, in turn, do get out of Iran, and are internationally recognized. A subtle, hypocritical situations where everybody knows, nobody speaks. Only the presence of a senseless dictatorship can explain that. Due to Panahi’s arrest in July, the situation has precipitated. In contrast with earlier arrests and trials that ended with him being sentenced to house arrest, then to a travel ban and to a ban on filmmaking, we have been informed by people who are close to Panahi that the director didn’t take a plea deal and chose to go to trial. This choice means he is willing to openly challenge the regime, without resorting to compromise, and this will very likely result in harsh punishment. The regime has always aggressively opposed him, and all of us fear what’s coming next. I’m afraid things won’t look any better any time soon.

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    In 2011, Savina Neirotti had been invited at the IFP-Independent Filmmaker Project Film Week. Those meetings went by one word: micro-budget. Funding was so scarce that many filmmakers had to resort to...
      • tuesday, 6 september 2022
      The absence of China, save for a couple entries, is certainly conspicuous. The main reason, aside from the pandemic, is censorship. It may be sly, underhanded, but it is strong. Unwanted filmmakers are prevented from obtaining the necessary funds to...
        • sunday, 4 september 2022
        The section grew even bigger – physically, too. It will take up every building in the Lazzaretto Vecchio island, with one section devoted to the VR market, which is a new addition. It all takes place on the island, over 2500 square metres housing impressive...
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          If we didn’t know who made Guadagnino’s Bones and All, we might as well ascribe it to an American director. Bones and All is about a piece of American history that is less known this side of the ocean...
            • thursday, 1 september 2022
            It’s great to see how much the two sections grew in such a short time. My intention was never for them to be a self-referencing, niche programme of movies – nothing of the sort.
              • wednesday, 31 August 2022
              We have been trying to work so closely with such an institution as the Academy for a long time. Over the last ten years, a connection has been growing between the two, with many films beginning their journey at Venice to later being awarded an Oscar.


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              il meglio della programmazione culturale
              di Venezia

              VENEZIA NEWS #297-298


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              il meglio della programmazione culturale
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