Official screening

  • thursday, 8 september 2022
Sala Darsena
by Laura Citarella
with Laura Paredes, Ezequiel Pierri, Rafael Spregelburd, Elisa Carricajo, Juliana Muras, Verónica Llinás, Cecilia Rainero

(2022, Argentina, Germany, ')

A woman disappears, and two men start looking for her. Both have a valid reason to, and each has a different opinion on the reasons behind the woman’s disappearance. Their investigation is the base plot for several other stories, shown in non-linear fashion (the audience may think of Tarantino) that will reserve most surprises for the film’s second half. On the background, the Argentinian pampa, with the city of Trenque Lauquen, where all stories convene.

Laura Citarella

Laura Citarella was born in 1981 in La Plata, Argentina, where she attended the Film University. She has been working with production company El Pampero Cine on independent production, free from corporative influence, and aimed at experimentation since 2005. El Pampero produced, among others, La flor, an 868-minute feature, currently the longest in Argentinian film. Citarella has also won the Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema Award for Ostende (2011) and the BAFICI in 2015 for La mujer de los perros, a film produced as part of the Biennale College Cinema programme.


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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia