The Pavilions’ Week

The events of the national participations at the closing of the 18th Architecture Biennale
by Marisa Santin

The final week of the 2023 Architecture Biennale provides an opportunity for a visit to Lesley Lokko’s Laboratory of the Future, which has also been integrated among the projects of national participations. Here is a schedule of closing events for Australia, Croatia, the Philippines, France, Greece, Lithuania, Montenegro, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland.

AUSTRALIA – unsettling Queenstown

24 nov, h. 10-13
Wanderlands: Earth, Story, Time – Cross-pavilion event across Scotland, Ireland, Australia
The route starts from the Docks Cantieri Cucchini in San Pietro di Castello (Scotland + Venice), passes through the Arsenale (Ireland Pavilion), and concludes at the Gardens of the Biennale (Australia Pavilion)

CROATIA – Same As It Ever Was

25 nov, h. 16-18
Presentation of the book Designing in Coexistence – Reflections on Systemic Change with the curators of the Croatian Pavilion Ivica Mitrović, Mia Roth and Tonči Čerina, the curators of the workshop held in Lonja Markéta Dolejšová and Jaz Hee-jeong Choi and one of the authors of the book, Michael Smyth

FRANCE – Ball Theater

22-25 nov, h. 11-18
Prospect Station, le Bal Des Nova
Inside the Ball Theater of the French Pavilion, architectural costumes are designed and created—technical, portable, operable, mechanized, and science-fictional: a reflection on the relationship between technology, the environment, and ways of inhabiting the world articulated in different moments
22 nov
– h. 11 Conference Architecture et utopies techniques with Fanny Lopez
– h. 15-17 Workshop costumes installation
– h. 17-18 CosmoDéfilé
23 nov
– h.14-17 Workshop of narrative writing
– h.17-18 CosmoDéfilé
24 nov
– h. 11-13 Workshop of narrative writing
– h. 17-18 CosmoDéfilé
25 nov
– h. 10 Conference La dystopie, un récit positif pour l’architecture with Dominique Rouillard.
– h. 15-16 Discussion Projeter des utopies with Alice Carabédian, Gilles Delalex, Georgi Stanishev, architects and curators of Ball Theater
– h. 17-18 CosmoDéfilé

GREECE – Bodies of Water

18-26 nov, h. 10-18
Site-specific performance Transiens Nostrum_Venice di Christina Nakou and Anna Pangalou
24 nov, h. 16-18
Curators and artists present their idea of collaboration

LITHUANIA – Children’s Forest Pavilion

Campo della Tana, Arsenale
22 nov
Loop screening of eight short documentary films produced at the end of the course The Political Ecology of the Spit at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna

MONTENEGRO – Mirages of the Future

Palazzo Malipiero
25 nov – Closing ceremony
– h. 15.30-16.15 Conference THE RETURN TO INTEGRITY (Architecture of the future of Montenegro)
– h. 16.30-17.15 Round table and conclusion discussion
– h. 17.20 Cocktail

PORTUGAL – Fertile Futures

Palazzo Franchetti
24 nov
– h. 11 Presentation of the special issue of the magazine Umbigo x Fertile Futures, with Andreia Garcia, António Néu, Elsa Garcia, Patrícia Coelho, Daniel Moreira, Rita Castro Neves
– h. 12 Guided tour of the exhibition with Andreia Garcia (curator) and Ana Neiva, Diogo Aguiar (additional curators)
25 nov
– h. 16 Guided tour of the exhibition with Andreia Garcia (curator) and Ana Neiva, Diogo Aguiar (additional curators)
– h. 17 Screening of the documentary film Contemporary Dialogues – Fertile Futures
– h. 17.30 Cocktail

THE PHILIPPINES – Tripa de Gallina: Guts of Estuary

25 nov, h. 14-16.30
Roundtable discussion The Estuary in Southeast Asia: Reflections on Ecological and Social History, with Anthony D. Medrano and Michel D. Pante. Modera Patrick Flores
(featured image)

SPAGNA – FoodScapes

25 nov, h. 15-17
Final Reports + Compendium, concluding session of the Future Foodscapes Research Unit

SWITZERLAND – Neighbours

Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi
25 nov
– h. 19 Light & Shadow: Architecture and photography, public dialogue on the future of architectural photography with Hélène Binet, Stefano Graziani, Guido Guidi, Susanne Hefti e Michel Otayek.
26 nov
– h. 10 What trees know, roundtable discussion on biodiversity and ecology with Alana Chin, Janneke Hille Rius Lambers, Giai Petit e Fred Stauffer


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia